Nutrigenomics & Epigenetics

Know how your lifestyle choices interact with your genes

Epigenetics is one of the latest and most intensely studied fields of scientific research. It refers to situations where non-genetic factors cause your genes to behave (or "express themselves") differently. Some examples of factors that can epigenetically influence the expression of your genes include nutritional and lifestyle factors, exposure to toxins, quality of sleep and even emotions. These changes in genetic expression set in motion physiological events that will result in either better or worse functioning of your body; health or disease.

Nutrigenomics assesses how one’s genetic make-up determines what type of diet and other lifestyle factors are required to achieve and maintain good health. Nutrigenomic testing can detect genetic weaknesses that can make you vulnerable to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. However, the types of genetic weakness studied in nutrigenomic (called single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs) can be modified by specific lifestyle and dietary changes as well as individualised, targeted supplementation.

In order words specific diet and lifestyle changes can be prescribed to epigenetically modify the risks and benefits associated with your genetic makeup to minimise your genetic weakness while maximising your genetic strengths.

Contact us for an appointment if you are interested in nutrigenomic and epigenetic tests to learn more about how you may be affected.